About Us
The purpose of the presence of the Church is to glorify God by proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ and by convincing Men and Women to become his disciples and committed members of his Church.
The Church practices the ordinances of Believer's Baptism and Holy Communion according to biblical criteria for the selection of Church leadership. She believes that the fundamental methods of communicating the gospel are worship, preaching, teaching, witnessing, and example. It earnestly consecrates the discipline and restoration of the offender. She believes that the fullness of the Holy Spirit is essential to holy living and effective witnessing. It declares the need for fervent prayer, faithful service and sacrificial offering as modeled by Jesus Christ himself, the local church sees social action and good citizenship as expressions of the gospel.
The local church is the organized and visible expression of the body of Christ. She conducts her affairs properly and with order. It organizes itself in such a way that all its members can contribute to the local body according to their gifts and talents. It operates on the premise that the congregation finds greater meaning and impact in fulfilling its biblical responsibilities both within the contexts of the life and witness of the organization and beyond that context.
The church cultivates fellowship, not sectarianism. Both his local and extended family seek spiritual common ground to enrich and strengthen fellowship with other groups through an open and transparent relationship.
The confession of faith
This ministry subscribes to the following confession of faith:
a) There is one God who is infinitely perfect and who exists eternally in three (3) persons: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
b) Jesus Christ is the true God and the true man, he was conceived by the Holy Spirit and he was born of the virgin Mary. He died on the cross, for the just and the unjust, as a substitute sacrifice and all who believe in him are justified because of his shed blood. He is risen from the dead, according to the scriptures, he now sits as our great sovereign at the right hand of the divine majesty. He will return to establish his kingdom of justice and peace.
The Holy Spirit is a divine person, sent to dwell in the believer, to guide, teach, and empower him, and to convict the world concerning sin, righteousness, and judgment.
The inerrant Old and New Testaments (without errors) as originally transmitted, were verbally inspired by God and are the complete revelation of his will for the salvation of the world, they constitute the divine and unique rule in matters of faith and Christian practice.
Humanity was originally created in the image and likeness of God. Her disobedience resulted in her downfall and she thus incurred physical and spiritual death. All humans are born with a sinful nature are separated from the life of God and are saved only through the expiratory work of the Lord Jesus Christ. Unrepentants and unbelievers are doomed to eternal existence in conscious torment, but the believer's inheritance is eternal joy and bliss.
Salvation is offered only in Jesus Christ those who repent and believe in him are united to Christ by the Holy Spirit. And thus are regenerated again justified, sanctified.
The healing of our mortal body is made possible by virtue of the redemptive work of the Lord Jesus Christ. Prayer for the sick and anointing with oil as prescribed in scripture are privileges for the Church today.
The local church, a visible expression of the universal church, is a group of believers in Christ united in worshiping God, performing the ordinances of baptism and communion, praying, building up by word and action of good news of salvation, both locally and globally. There will be a bodily resurrection for the just and the unjust; For the former a resurrection to eternal life, for the latter a resurrection to judgment.
The second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ is imminent and will be bodily (in his person) and visible. As the blessed hope of the believer, this vital truth is an incentive to holy living and sacrificial service toward the fulfillment of Christ's commission.
Believer's Baptism and Holy Communion are the two (2) ordinances of the Church as prescribed by the Lord Jesus Christ Baptism is an act of obedience that is addressed to each believer. Although other ways of baptizing believers are recognized, baptism by immersion is taught and practiced as a biblical model.
Holy Communion is celebrated regularly and offered to all believers.